Friday, September 4, 2009

Who Cares

Do you guys like impressions? Huh? Do ya?

Okay. This is my impression of your facebook status.

*deep breath*

"LOL Going to the store/school/work/beach/park/church/shopping/on a walk/bowling/to dinner/to lunch/to the gym/to work out LOL LOL LOL LMAO . . . Happy Friday! I hate Mondays! I can't sleep! I'm up early! I'm up late! Happy Friday! I'm tired! I'm sick! LOL LOL . . . Doing dishes/laundry/cleaning/need to do dishes/laundry/clean the house LMFAO . . . Read my blog! Come to my show! Buy my shit! OMG WTF LOL . . . I hate work/I love work/I am curiously indifferent to my place of employment . . . These are my politics/pay attention to my politics/I don't like Obama/I love Obama/whine/whine/whine/whine/whine/I said pay attention to my politics LOL LOL OMFG LOL LOL LOL . . . My kids/dog/cat/husband/wife/your momma/girlfriend/boyfriend did/said/is ____________ . . . OMFGLMAOZITLOL . . . Go Sports Team! Fuck that Sports Team! Your Sports Team Sucks/My Sports Team Rocks! LMAO . . . I'm cooking dinner/I'm making lunch/I'm fixing breakfast OMG . . . LOLHappyFridayI'mboredI'mboredLOLOLOLOLOLOLDidImentionmypoliticsLMAOI'mboredLOLOLOLXOMFTZ . . . Good morning! Good night! lol."

But, Robin, you put stuff like that in your status updates. What gives you the right to make fun of it here?

Well, I'm a stone cold hypocrite, so deal with it. LOL!!!!!! :)!! LMAOMF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :):)


Unknown said...

You forgot to mention how fucking cute my kids are.

Robin said...

Everyone knows your kids are cute, Marigold. No need to be vulgar about it.