Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Health Care Journey

About a month or so ago, I received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, my health care insurance company major medical provider. Like most Americans, I immediately placed the letter in my throw-away-later pile. This pile consists of other correspondence that should be opened and read, but won't be. Things from various charities, left-wing politicians, and other do-gooders.

For reasons unknown, I decided to open the letter, and was quite shocked at the content. Apparently, my health provider insurance carrier has an entire department devoted to auditing and reviewing premium payments. As the letter explained, I was actually being charged too much health insurance carrier premiums for the past six years. After a careful analysis, the auditor discovered that I was due a refund, which would be forthcoming.

Two days later, a gentleman showed up at my door. Well dressed, but not too well dressed, he introduced himself and explained that he was a field rep from BCBS of Florida, my insurance care health provider care company insurance, and that if I were so gracious to offer a few moments of my time, he would hand over a pretty nice-sized check. On a side note, over a glass of iced tea, the gentleman explained that he had been working for the company seven years, ever since he graduated college. In fact, he grew up in Detroit, poor as all get-out. Blue Cross of Michigan provided him with a full scholarship to attend Michigan State University. He was required only to intern at the company and work full time for one year after graduation, but found the experience so challenging, he decided to make a career our of it.

He explained that I would need to sign a few forms, which I gladly did, and he then presented me with a check for $2123.12.

Oh, but the story doesn't end there. A few days later, I was feeling ill. I made an appointment with my regular doctor, who took me that afternoon. Fairly certain he knew what ailed me, he nevertheless referred me to a world-renowned specialist, who also took me that very day. He explained that the issue would be quite serious if I lived in a third-world country like Canada, but American health care provisioning would take care of it, toute-suite. He excused himself and returned after making a quick call to my insurance health care company provider benefits company, who immediately approved the procedure.

Under a local anesthesia, the good Doctor and his capable staff of nurses performed a procedure, the name of which I still cannot pronounce. After a few hours in the well appointed recovery room, I was sent home, healthy as the proverbial horse. The entire system worked like a well-oiled machine, and yes, mistakes occasionally happened, but when they did, they were quickly corrected.

I was glad to pay my deductible and co-pay, which worked out to just over six dollars.

We have the best health insurance care benefits provider system in the world, and that fact cannot be disputed. So, don't be fooled by Obama-care government takeover socialism. Remember, your second amendment right to bear arms does not stop at the convention center door. Or on the sidewalk outside the U.N. Or at Camp David, if you happen to be out that way.

In closing, Eagles and Americans, freedom-loving yes-we-cans. Drill now, God has a plan.

P.S. I have no plans to run for Congress in 2010, but please feel free to continue asking.


Robin said...

You better take a break from poker and update this b-snapper.

Robin said...

I miss your posts!