Thursday, June 25, 2009

Don't Cry for Me, Suckas

Dear Former Gov. McGreevey, Sen. Craig., Sen. Ensign., President Clinton, et al.

Thanks for the invitation to join your club, The Swinging Skin Swords, which I must passionately decline. Why you would think I'd want to be part of your perverted little gang, I do not know. Question? Have you seen the chicks in Argentina? Have you? They're all smokin' hot! This is not about some chance encounter in a Minneapolis airport restroom, with a dude no less, this is the real thing. This ain't no middle-aged mid western staffer! This is the woman you actually give everything up for. You guys claimed to still love your wife! Are you kidding? I don't love my wife. I mean, I did, for like two semesters back at Yale, but that was a long time ago. I'm freakin' outta here. In two weeks, I'll be back in my yellow Speedo, walking the beaches with my--did I mention how hot she is?--Argentinian former mistress-now girlfriend. Suck on that, GOP.

Kindest Regards

Governor Mark Sanford

1 comment:

Robin said...

How do I get an invitation to the Swinging Skin Swords Club??!!