Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Bless you Dick Cheney

I watched the President's and former VP Dick Cheney's speech today and I now get it. What a relief! I have never had a revelation before. Sweet, sweet revelation. For the past several years I have read dozens of books about the war on terror, 9/11, and terrorism in general. I read a book by former U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, for cryin' out loud. This wealth of knowledge, I believed, gave me a good handle on the whole thing. Alas, it took only a speech by Mr. Cheney to bring it all into focus.

Let me break it down for you, my dear reader.

Mr. Cheney correctly states that terrorists hate the United States. More specifically, they hate our values. So, ipso facto, we get rid of those pesky old values by euphamising torture and calling it "enhanced interrogation" and then turn to those smart-alecky terrorists and ax, "What's your problem with the good 'ole US of A, we got no values, just like you." Problemo solved.

1 comment:

The Green Room Wall said...

It's only torture if you're a pussy! For the rest of us it's just another day at the office. Btw did you know that is a german porn site that only shows Lynn Cheney's dirt button being blown out by a pneumatic chipping hammer. I saw it four days ago and I haven't been able to look at porn since you should try it.